Monday, July 16, 2007

This is why I swear by taking regular measurements

My weight is up a tiny bit, but my measurements and my body fat % are down. So, if I was one of those people who just jumps on the scale, I would think that nothing was happening. But it happens in different ways on different weeks. I strongly recommend measuring even if you're not doing a serious weight training program.

This kind of pattern -- dropping measurements but not dropping weight -- is common among low-carbers who are exercising even a little. All that protein is feeding muscle development. The lack of carbs keeps your body focused on dropping fat, not muscle. Since muscle is heavier than fat, it's totally possible to not lose weight, but be getting smaller.

I'm sure that water plays into this, too, but I don't know it's weight/volume relationship compared to fat and muscle.

I'm also starting off the week fairly perky because I had a date yesterday with an internet guy. We had a nice chat over coffee, and he emailed that maybe we should go out again. I admit to emailing him first, but after that I let him lead. Boys like that.

There are constant discussions about weight and dating. Everywhere. Dan Savage has even gotten into the act lately. There are also issues with people not posting pictures that truly represent them. My pictures do. The full-length pictures I have posted are not the hottest or cutest pictures I've ever taken, but they're real. The last thing I need is wasting my time with some guy who isn't going to be attracted to me as I am.

I will not do that 'head shot only' routine that fat girls do. It's a disservice to me. I don't meet a lot of men online, but unlike a lot of heavier women, I can be confident that the men I meet aren't going to be shocked by what I look like. So, instead of showing up for a first date nervous about that, I can focus on being nervous about normal things.

I know that the argument for 'head shot only' is that men should be attracted to us for our whole person. You know, "see past the fat." But fat is part of my whole person (so to speak). I'm not interested in dating some guy who can see past it. I want a man who sees me, as I am, and is attracted to me.

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